Logtech GmbH was founded by Gregor Schefczyk in 2000 and has since become an internationally operating company, headquartered in Munich. The market-oriented company policy aims at improving competitiveness and profitable growth. One of the most important priorities of the Logtech GmbH and their employees and partners is to realize all current and future customer projects. We consider high quality standards in all of our services and products an essential prerequisite.
This way, we can guarantee a continuous and constructive improvement of any and all processes within the company structures. In these processes we cooperate closely with our business partners, integrating them into all areas of our work. Through this decided innovation processes, we maintain a measurably elevated customer benefit.

- 2000 Establishment of the company
- 2007 Specialization in the area of container development and construction
- 2007 Creation of the division for CAD development for car parts
- 2012 Intensified development of CAD development
- 2014 Development division grows to 40 engineers
- 2014 First branches (development offices) in Poland